Tangram Cat House
Location / Guangzhou, China
Type / Exhibit
Time / 2016
Client / Global Garden Life Festival
Status / Complete
Team / GARC + DOT Studio
Manufacturing Collaborator / JiangXi Province GuiZhu Development Co., LTD
Through local organizations or volunteers, there are usually two ways to help homeless cats. One is TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return); the other is for individuals to take care of them (foster care). Although TNR provides homeless cats a less harsh environment with relatively more resources, their emotional needs are often ignored. Tangram Homeless Cat House (THCH) is intended to provide homeless cats a place to support both their physical and emotional needs without compromising their independence. Therefore, THCH is conceived of as a place for cats to eat, rest, and play, as well as a shelter in severe weather.

Inspired by the concept of Tangram, the installation is composed of 7 individual units. Each is relatively small and built with a top and bottom. The sides are enclosed partially to form a continuous walkway for cats when all are put together. The openness allows vigilant homeless cats to freely access without being scared. In addition, each unit is supported on legs of various heights with the tops aligned, which provides cats two levels of space.
THCH can be combined into various cartoon shapes of cat, as a signage to indicate that here is a temporary cat shelter. The units are easily moved around to use and play, which will facilitate interactions with cats and cathouse. In addition, THCH can be designed as an information board, which lets people learn how to help homeless cats. It may also help rescue organizations to catch them and find their new host families.