Jolluxe Event Box
Virginia Beach, VAType/ Commercial
Time/ 2020
Status/ Design
Located in Norfolk’s Neon District, the project is to provide intimate gathering space for smaller groups. The challenge is to work with the long linear space to provide a backdrop for different types of events and allow for highly customization by customers and event planners.
The layout is divided into three zones. Adjacent to the entrance is the “Neon Courtyard”, a pre-fuction space with reception and lounge seating. It will employ design elements such as mural and neon signages to extend the feeling of Neon district inside the building.

In the middle is “Jolluxe Event Box,” as it is defined by four focal point elements on each side to accommodate various types of events. The interface between the Neon Courtyard and the Event Box is designed as a large frame, allowing for customized decoration, while providing picture frame for photo shooting and viewing into the event space. At the back side is “Jolluxe Support,” including kitchenette, storage, and restrooms.

Jolluxe Owner
"My husband and I are so pleased with their services. GARC is very professional and attentive. Their ability and design far exceeded our expectations. I would recommend them many times over."