Judy's Restaurant II
Chesapeake, VAType / Commercial
Status/ Completed
Client/ Judy's Sichuan Cuisine
Contractor/ Spacemakers, Inc.

We created a design that displays a checkerboard ceiling that uses different materials set at different heights to help break down the scale of the space. We also further defined the space by strategically placing a series of display shelves throughout the space. Each of the “checker board” spaces serve relatively different functions. The first space is the entry vestibules with lower ceilings. The second space includes the bar near the entry that has the higher ceilings. This design helps create a similar layout as the Virginia Beach location, while the overall design, mood and finishes are different.
Following the flow, the next row is located in the larger room that has family style seating table & chairs with the lower ceiling in the center, and banquette seating and private dining room with a higher ceiling on each side. The most inside row of the seating area has alternating ceiling height, with the multifunctional space having a higher ceiling in the middle and the booth seating with the lower ceiling on the sides.

Judy Sun
"GARC did the design for our restaurants (Judy's) in both Virginia Beach and Chesapeake location. They did a wonderful job! We will definitely work with them again in the future."