Hybrid House
Smithfield, VAType/ Residential
Time/ 2018-Present
Client/ Private
Status/ Under Construction
The Eck House project is a new construction, single family house located in the county of Isle of Wight, Virginia. The project explores using a prefabricated steel structure system for the building envelope, and a traditional wood framing structure for the interior. By using a combination of wood planks and corrugated metal panels, the design creates a homey scale with a contemporary look. Using the prefabricated steel structure is a unique choice, as these types of designs are typically reserved for barns and warehouses. However, with carefully designed elevations and a collage of different siding materials, the home design is both functional and appealing.

Kevin Eck
"My wife and I have been wanting to build a house for quite some time. We finally decided it was time to bring in some outside help to get the ball rolling. We contacted GARC Design and set a time for their six hour workshop. We had created a basic floor plan several years ago so we thought we had a good starting point. Suping and Yang were able to help us finally nail down our dream home. Their attention to detail was greatly appreciated, and they offered fresh perspectives to help us layout our future home. We look forward to continuing working with them in the future."